Zelve Turizm Acentası
42 years experience
Center Office:
Title: Efektif Turizm ve Tarım İşletmeleri Ltd. Şti.
Address Kuşdili cd Efes İş Hanı no:12 d:143-144 Kadıköy İstanbul Türkiye
Telephone: +90 216 346 9030 pbx
Fax +90 216 349 9051
Email: info@zelve.com.tr
Tax Number: Kadıköy - 3250544694
Agency Registration Number: Class A - 7084
Germany Office:
Title: Schwabenland Reisen GMBH
Address Terminal 3 - Reisemarkt - Flughafen 70629 Stuttgart Germany
Telephone: +49 711 948 48 48
Fax +49 711 997 67 62
Email: info@schwabenland-reisen.de
Support Department - 7/24
For your comments, suggestions, questions or problems, please contact our customer service department 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Mice Department
You can contact our department about congress, seminar and meeting.
Incoming Department
You can contact our incoming department with Turkey and surrounding countries for your organization.